Produse pentru saci de sac (364)

Pungi de păstrare a prospețimii - FOOD

Pungi de păstrare a prospețimii - FOOD

Buste salvafreschezza metallizzate MATERIALE:PP Metallizzato
Geantă Ulrica - Genți

Geantă Ulrica - Genți

Detta anche "La Volpe", ha i manici e le rifiniture in vitello, chiusura galvanizzata che, nel tempo, rimane così come appare. Tracolla regolabile in vitello. COD:STA.00X
ME HIM SIGILANTE DE 5MM CU MENȚINERE MAGNETICĂ - Sigilant manual cu menținere magnetică, lungimea barei 300-400 mm, sigilare de 5 mm

ME HIM SIGILANTE DE 5MM CU MENȚINERE MAGNETICĂ - Sigilant manual cu menținere magnetică, lungimea barei 300-400 mm, sigilare de 5 mm

Tabletop manual bag sealers with manual closing and electromagnetic block. Impulse heat sealing (the resistance heats for a few seconds) with timer for adjusting the sealing time and a timer for adjusting the cooling time. The sealing cycle is indicated by an indicator light. Sealing bar length: mm. 300 - 400 and sealing width of 5 mm, maximum thickness weldable 0.20 mm(mm. 0.40 total). Suitable for sealing plastic polyethylene bags of medium thickness, polypropylene, light coupled polyethylene + aluminum / paper. Example model:ME 305 HIM Max. seal length:mm. 300 Seal width:mm. 5 Sealable materials:PE-PP Electrical supply:220V
MAȘINI DE SIGILARE PENTRU HAINELE ATÂRNATE FPMM/FPMA - Mașini de sigilare pentru hainele atârnate. Lățimea barei de sigilare mm. 600/ lungimea maximă a produsului.

MAȘINI DE SIGILARE PENTRU HAINELE ATÂRNATE FPMM/FPMA - Mașini de sigilare pentru hainele atârnate. Lățimea barei de sigilare mm. 600/ lungimea maximă a produsului.

Vertical sealing machines for hanging garments, suitable for packaging ironed garments such as jackets, shirts and suits. They can seal all types of bags between 400 and 700 mm in width and of any thickness. The machines carry out an impulse welding (the resistances heat up only during the welding). Welding times vary from a minimum of 0.6 sec. to a maximum of 1.2 sec. The sealing machines for hanging garments are available in the following versions: FPMM MANUAL MODEL The FPMM manual model only performs the upper sealing of the bags containing the garments. The bars are closed by manual command from the operator who acts on a lever located on the control panel. The bottom of the envelope remains open. FPMA/FPMA PLUS PNEUMATIC MODEL The FPMA model is more professional and robust and has a minicomputer that manages the functionality of the machine, from the safety devices to the working times. Thanks to it, it is possible to work in three different operating mode. Seal length:mm. 600 Max. length of garments:mm. 1650 Material to use:Polyethylen film, also with gussets
026. Pungi pentru fructe și legume - FOOD

026. Pungi pentru fructe și legume - FOOD

Buste per ortofrutta, precisamente articoli confezionabili di modo alternativo alle classiche casse in legno: uva, sedano, mele, frutti di bosco, carote.
Pungi Magnetice

Pungi Magnetice

Magnetic Pouches are a practical and stylish solution for organizing and displaying documents on magnetic surfaces, featuring a colored border and a magnetic backing that allows for easy attachment to boards and other metal surfaces. These pouches are available in various sizes and colors, providing options to suit different preferences and needs. Ideal for use in offices, schools, and homes, these pouches offer a convenient way to keep important documents visible and accessible. The high-quality materials used in these magnetic pouches ensure durability and ease of use, making them a reliable choice for any environment. Whether used to organize documents in an office or display artwork in a classroom, these pouches offer both functionality and aesthetic appeal. Their customizable nature allows for personalization to match the decor and needs of any space, making them a versatile and valuable addition to any setting.
Amestec apicol peren 1 kg pachet - Semințe melifere

Amestec apicol peren 1 kg pachet - Semințe melifere

Miscuglio apistico pluriennale con 8 specie nettarifere. CARATTERISTICHE: Composizione: Meliloto giallo, Trifoglio violetto, Trifoglio incarnato, Trifoglio alessandrino, Trifoglio squarroso, Sulla sgusciata, Erba medica. Lungo periodo di fioritura. Forte attrattiva ed abbondante pabulum per le api. Adattabilità agronomica ai diversi ambienti UTILIZZO: Miscuglio per impollinanti. CONSIGLI DI SEMINA: Epoca di semina autunnale settembre - ottobre. Epoca di semina primaverile marzo - aprile. Densità di semina 25-30 kg/ha. Confezione 1 kg. Codice Prodotto:1006
Amestec apicol de toamnă pachet de 1 kg - Semințe de plante melifere

Amestec apicol de toamnă pachet de 1 kg - Semințe de plante melifere

Miscuglio apistico autunnale. CARATTERISTICHE: Composizione 13 varietà: 5 Trifogli, 2 Melilotus, 1 Ginestrino, 1 Lupinella, 1 Senape, 1 Facelia, 1 Sulla, 1 Lino. La semina autunnale consente un anticipo del periodo di fioritura. Buona tolleranza al freddo. Adattabilità agronomica ai diversi ambienti. UTILIZZO: Miscuglio per impollinanti. CONSIGLI DI SEMINA: Settembre - ottobre. Densità di semina 25-30 kg/ha. Confezione 1 kg. Codice Prodotto:1005
Candito Apipasta pachet de 1 kg - Nutriție

Candito Apipasta pachet de 1 kg - Nutriție

Candito in pasta composta principalmente da saccarosio. È composto da micro cristalli, con una dimensione media di 15 µm. Ogni cristallo è ricoperto individualmente da un sottile strato di sciroppo di glucosio, essendo facilmente assimilabile dall’ape. VANTAGGI: Facile da usare, non ha bisogno di prima preparazione ne di aggiunta d’acqua. Buona assimilazione dalle api, specialmente disegnato per l’estrazione e ingestione delle api. Prodotto consumato dall’ape, non si conserva nell’alveare, eliminando il problema della contaminazione del miele con gli zuccheri. Prodotto di lunga durata, può essere conservato durante più di 18 mesi se si conserva in condizioni normali. Assenza di Idrossimetilfurfurale (HMF), ssostanza tossica per le api. Possibilità di aggiungere vitamine e proteine al prodotto. Prodotto adattato alle necessità dell’apicoltura migratoria. CONSIGLIATO: Come alimentazione in autunno e inverno. Per formazione di nuove colonie Richiede 1 kg. Codice Prodotto:622
Amestec apicol de toamnă sac de 10 kg - Semințe melifere

Amestec apicol de toamnă sac de 10 kg - Semințe melifere

Miscuglio apistico autunnale. CARATTERISTICHE: Composizione 13 varietà: 5 Trifogli, 2 Melilotus, 1 Ginestrino, 1 Lupinella, 1 Senape, 1 Facelia, 1 Sulla, 1 Lino. La semina autunnale consente un anticipo del periodo di fioritura. Buona tolleranza al freddo. Adattabilità agronomica ai diversi ambienti. UTILIZZO: Miscuglio per impollinanti. CONSIGLI DI SEMINA: Settembre - ottobre. Densità di semina 25-30 kg/ha. Confezione 10 kg. Codice Prodotto:1001
Facelia sac de 10 kg - Semințe de plante melifere

Facelia sac de 10 kg - Semințe de plante melifere

Seme di Phacelia (Phacelia tanacetifolia, varietà Boratus). CARATTERISTICHE: Hydrofllacea: famiglia botanica coltivata non ad uso alimentare o foraggero. Apparato radicale strutturante. Competitiva nei miscugli. Pianta mellifera con fioritura prolungata (indeterminata). Potenziale mellifero tra i più elevati. UTILIZZO: Sovesci, essenza mellifera. CONSIGLI DI SEMINA: Epoca di semina autunnale e primaverile. Densità di semina 15 kg/ha (in purezza). Confezione 10 kg. Codice Prodotto:1000
Candito Apipasta pachet de 2,5 kg - Nutriție

Candito Apipasta pachet de 2,5 kg - Nutriție

Candito in pasta composta principalmente da saccarosio. È composto da micro cristalli, con una dimensione media di 15 µm. Ogni cristallo è ricoperto individualmente da un sottile strato di sciroppo di glucosio, essendo facilmente assimilabile dall’ape. VANTAGGI: Facile da usare, non ha bisogno di prima preparazione ne di aggiunta d’acqua. Buona assimilazione dalle api, specialmente disegnato per l’estrazione e ingestione delle api. Prodotto consumato dall’ape, non si conserva nell’alveare, eliminando il problema della contaminazione del miele con gli zuccheri. Prodotto di lunga durata, può essere conservato durante più di 18 mesi se si conserva in condizioni normali. Assenza di Idrossimetilfurfurale (HMF), sostanza tossica per le api. Possibilità di aggiungere vitamine e proteine al prodotto. Prodotto adattato alle necessità dell’apicoltura migratoria. CONSIGLIATO: Come alimentazione in autunno e inverno. Per formazione di nuove colonie Pesa 2,5 kg. Codice Prodotto:623
Amestec apicol de primăvară pachet de 1 kg - Semințe de plante melifere

Amestec apicol de primăvară pachet de 1 kg - Semințe de plante melifere

Miscuglio apistico primaverile. CARATTERISTICHE: Composizione di 15 varietà: 5 Trifogli, 2 Melilotus, 1 Ginestrino, 1 Lupinella, 1 Senape, 1 Facelia, 1 Grano saraceno, 1 Sulla, 1 Erba medica, 1 Lino. Lungo periodo di fioritura. Forte attrattiva ed abbondante pabulum per le api. Adattabilità agronomica ai diversi ambienti UTILIZZO: Miscuglio per impollinanti. CONSIGLI DI SEMINA: Marzo - maggio. Densità di semina 25-30 kg/ha. Confezione 10 kg. Codice Prodotto:1007
Amestec apicol plurianual sac de 10 kg - Semințe melifere

Amestec apicol plurianual sac de 10 kg - Semințe melifere

Miscuglio apistico pluriennale con 8 specie nettarifere. CARATTERISTICHE: Composizione: Meliloto giallo, Trifoglio violetto, Trifoglio incarnato, Trifoglio alessandrino, Trifoglio squarroso, Sulla sgusciata, Erba medica. Lungo periodo di fioritura. Forte attrattiva ed abbondante pabulum per le api. Adattabilità agronomica ai diversi ambienti UTILIZZO: Miscuglio per impollinanti. CONSIGLI DI SEMINA: Epoca di semina autunnale settembre - ottobre. Epoca di semina primaverile marzo - aprile. Densità di semina 25-30 kg/ha. Confezione 10 kg. Codice Prodotto:1002
MAȘINĂ DE CUSUT FPMP 82 ROBUST - Mașină de cusut pentru genți cu alimentare electrică sau baterie. Pentru grosimi mari

MAȘINĂ DE CUSUT FPMP 82 ROBUST - Mașină de cusut pentru genți cu alimentare electrică sau baterie. Pentru grosimi mari

Electric sewing machine Mod. FPMP 82 (220 V and 12 V ) for bags particularly robust, vibration-free, usable in agricultural industries, chemical, food, packaging, textiles, for use in finishing. Suitable for sealing bags of a different type of paper, jute, fabric and plasticized, etc. such as bags of food or chemicals. The FPMP 82 can be used for the sewing of the collection nets of olives or antihail. The operation with reciprocating motion with "wear" arrangement allows a very efficient grip even on medium to high thicknesses. The machine works with standard 220 volt electric cable. It's also available in 12V that can be equipped with external battery and backpack. For uses other than those listed please send us a test sample of your product. Sewing speed:up to 18/20 m/min Sewing power:Thickness up to 10/12 mm Point length:Variable from 4 to 10 mm Point type:Chain Cutter:Automatic
APARAT DE SIGILARE CU CĂLDURĂ CONSTANTĂ ME-CFA/CFV - Aparat de sigilare de masă cu căldură constantă / cu suport și pedală electrică. Sigilare largă

APARAT DE SIGILARE CU CĂLDURĂ CONSTANTĂ ME-CFA/CFV - Aparat de sigilare de masă cu căldură constantă / cu suport și pedală electrică. Sigilare largă

This special automatic table top/vertical with stand constant heat sealer. Are suitable for sealing polypropylene and paired / laminated bags, paper, barrier materials, etc. The sealing jaws of the type "hot bar" are equipped with resistance and thermoregulator for controlling the temperature from 30 ° C to 200 ° C. The closing of the jaws is through an electromagnet which ensures a high sealing pressure and allows the sealing of thick bags with or without side gussets. Operation The operation provides for the closure of bars and seals the bag following operator control, by electric pedal. This allows the operator to grab the bag with both hands, being able to perform a more precise sealing and parallel to the bag. The vertical model with pedestal can be tilted to 90 degrees, has a special support surface to support the bag during sealing. In this way the operator has both hands free to hold the bag since the sealing is made by pressing the pedal. seal length:mm. 300/400/600 Seal width :mm. 14 Temperature:30°÷200°C
SIGILATOR CU PEDESTAL FPS-DD - Sigilatoare de pungi cu căldură constantă, cu sigiliu de 14 mm lățime, pedală mecanică și design vertical.

SIGILATOR CU PEDESTAL FPS-DD - Sigilatoare de pungi cu căldură constantă, cu sigiliu de 14 mm lățime, pedală mecanică și design vertical.

Sealing machine with stand and mechanical footswitch, constant heat sealing bars fot the closure of polypropylene bags and coupled in aluminum, paper, barrier materials, etc. The sealing bars of the type "hot bar" are equipped with resistance and temperature controller for controlling the temperature from 30 ° C to 200 ° C. The closing of the sealing bars by a mechanical pedal guarantees a high welding pressure and allows the sealing of high thickness envelopes with or without lateral bellows. Seal length:mm. 300/400 Seal width :mm. 14 Temperature:30°C.÷200° C. Sealable material:PP-AL/PE
FPXBAG - NOUA MAȘINĂ DE ÎMPACHETARE VERTICALĂ - Pentru saci cu lățimea de mm 170, 185 sau 235 și lungimea de până la mm 330 sau 580

FPXBAG - NOUA MAȘINĂ DE ÎMPACHETARE VERTICALĂ - Pentru saci cu lățimea de mm 170, 185 sau 235 și lungimea de până la mm 330 sau 580

FPXBAG-NEW is an innovative semiautomatic vertical packaging machine which combines different existing technologies with unique innovations. FPXBAG-NEW is an easy to use, economical and functional form-fill-seal machine which creates 3 hermetic sealing bags starting from a plain foil roll. Compared to the other vertical machines, FPXBAG-NEW has an innovative system of forming box which allows to get a fast format change. This systems reduces the machine shot-down and we gain in productivity. Moreover the two clamps of the horizontal sealing allow to keep the forming bag in position reducing the any break possibility. The key factor of the FPXBAG-NEW is the versatility of the machine which can seal any kind of film, this thanks to the incomparable sealing system. The machine is supplied with 1 forming tube type 200 (suitable for making bags with a width of 185 mm). On request it is possible to have forming tubes with different sizes, type 200 and type 250. Hourly production:0­-1000 pz. Bags width:mm 170/185/235 (depending on collar) Bag lenght :from mm 50 to mm. 330/580 with tape Film reel width:mm 360/410/520 Max diameter film reel:mm 250 Film thickness:from 15 to 50 µm Usable film:Polyethylene, polyolefins, drilled, coupled, macro-perforated, biodegradable films, cartene Horizontal sealing:mpulse with double strip and cutting line
SIGILATOR MOTORIZAT ME - CFE - Sigilatoare de căldură constantă pentru banc cu închidere motorizată

SIGILATOR MOTORIZAT ME - CFE - Sigilatoare de căldură constantă pentru banc cu închidere motorizată

ME-CFE CONSTANT AUTO SEALERS WITH MOTOR CONTROL Table top motorized sealer with electric pedal and welding bars at a constant temperature for sealing polypropylene bags and paired/laminated aluminium, paper, barrier materials, etc. The sealing bars of the type "hot bar" are equipped with resistance and thermostat for controlling the temperature from 30 ° C to 250 ° C. The closure of the bars it takes place through an engine which guarantees a high welding pressure (0,7 Kg./cm2) and allows the sealing of envelopes with hight tickness with or without side bellows. Operation The operation provides for the closure of bars and seals the bag following operator control, by electric pedal. This allows the operator to grab the bag with both hands, being able to perform a more precise sealing and parallel to the bag. Seal length:mm. 300/400 Seal width :mm. 14 Temperature:80°÷250°C
Sigilator de impuls ME-FC cu tăietor - Sigilator de pungi înclinat cu picior mecanic, bară de impuls unică și tăietor pentru tăiere

Sigilator de impuls ME-FC cu tăietor - Sigilator de pungi înclinat cu picior mecanic, bară de impuls unică și tăietor pentru tăiere

Impulse sealer with mechanical pedal and floor support for the closure of bags in plastic material heat-sealable, impulse sealing (resistance to heat for a few seconds) and timer for adjustment. At the end of the sealing is possible to trim the bag with the cutter installed on the bar. The open structure also allows you to install a coil on the back of the machine and to obtain envelopes of the desired length using the tubular film. The sealing head can be tilted up to 45 ° to allow the closure of the envelopes containing liquids or powders. Maximum thickness of 0.15 mm sealable . (0.30 mm. Overall) Max. seal length:mm. 450/mm. 600 Seal width:mm.2 Thermosealing materials:PE-PP
SIGILATOR TERMIC MG 1020 - CU MAGNET - Sigilator manual/motorizat cu impuls, lungime 1020 mm, cu tăietor. Lățimea sigilării 5 mm

SIGILATOR TERMIC MG 1020 - CU MAGNET - Sigilator manual/motorizat cu impuls, lungime 1020 mm, cu tăietor. Lățimea sigilării 5 mm

MG 1020 SEALING MACHINE WITH CLOSING MAGNET Pulse sealers MG 1020 series, with 1020 mm sealing bar and suitable for sealing polyethylene, pvc and polypropylene bags. They have a special timer for adjusting the sealing time based on the thickness and type of material. The MG sealers are complete with a manual cutting unit for the trimming of the sealed bags and/or the creation of bags from tubular reels (if the machine is equipped with a roll holder). The sealing bars must be closed manually by the operator and are automatically held by a magnet until the end of the cycle. There are special supports with mechanical pedal, for the manual sealing machine and with electric pedal for the sealing machine with motorized bar closing. Available models: MG 1020: bench sealing machine with manual closing of the bars MGMI 1020: bench sealing machine with motorized closing of the bars and electric pedal Max. seal length:mm. 1020 Seal width:mm. 5 Max. seal thickness:0,20 mm (0.40 tot)
044. Hârtie și Pungi Oglindă - FOOD

044. Hârtie și Pungi Oglindă - FOOD

La carta Specchio è un incarto di alta qualità capace di mantenere la freschezza del prodotto più a lungo grazie allo strato di polipropilene metallizzato che protegge dai raggi UV e dall’umidità. Ideali per alimenti freschi come salumi, formaggi, prodotti gastronomici. Sia la carta che i sacchetti, accoppiati, possono essere facilmente disgiunti e separare quindi carta da plastica, favorendo la raccolta differenziata e l’ambiente. La superficie,” a specchio ” esalta la visibilità del prodotto oltre ad allungarne la shelf-life. Inoltre i sacchetti possono essere anche termosaldati garantendo quindi una chiusura ed un trasporto del contenuto adeguato e sicuro. Idoneità totale al contatto alimentare.
SIGILATOR TERMIC MG 300 - CU MAGNET - Sigilator de impuls manual/motorizat, lungime 300 mm, cu tăietor. Lățimea sigilării 3 mm

SIGILATOR TERMIC MG 300 - CU MAGNET - Sigilator de impuls manual/motorizat, lungime 300 mm, cu tăietor. Lățimea sigilării 3 mm

MG 300 SEALING MACHINE WITH CLOSING MAGNET Impulse sealers MG 300 series, with 300 mm sealing bar and suitable for sealing polyethylene, pvc and polypropylene bags. They have a special timer for adjusting the sealing time based on the thickness and type of material. The MG sealers are complete with a manual cutting unit for the trimming of the sealed bags and/or the creation of bags from tubular reels (if the machine is equipped with a roll holder). The sealing bars must be closed manually by the operator and are automatically held by a magnet until the end of the cycle. There are special supports with mechanical pedal, for the manual sealing machine and with electric pedal for the sealing machine with motorized bar closing. Maximum weldable thickness 0.15 mm (0.30 tot). Available models: MG 300: bench sealing machine with manual closing of the bars MGM 300: bench sealing machine with motorized bar closing and electric pedal Max. seal length:mm. 300 Seal width:mm. 3 Max. seal thickness:0,15 mm (0,30 tot)


Semiautomatic bench heat sealers with timer and trimming for bags in PE PP and l - Semiautomatic impulse heat sealers for the bench, for closing PE, PP, PVC and light coupled bags. Equipped with timer, pedal and trimmer. They can be used for: food products, in the automotive, cosmetics, electronics, mechanical and plastic parts, packaging for e-commerce, pellets and agriculture and for chemical products. Available in 460mm and 610mm welding lengths, and 4mm high. Suitable for bags of different thickness, with moist or dusty contents. Double sealing bar with separate regulation of temperatures and times. Manual and semi-automatic operation with electromagnetic closure. Adjustment of the welding power by means of a 6-position switch. Activation by electric pedal or automatic cycle button with digital control of the welding parameters. Digital timer with LCD, for precise control of welding (0-10 sec.) And cooling (0-20 sec.) Times. Can be combined with dosing systems.
MAȘINĂ DE CUSUT CU BATERIE FPGK-350 BB - Mașină de cusut portabilă cu baterie detașabilă 36V 2.6Ah. Pentru sacoșe și plase

MAȘINĂ DE CUSUT CU BATERIE FPGK-350 BB - Mașină de cusut portabilă cu baterie detașabilă 36V 2.6Ah. Pentru sacoșe și plase

The new FP GK-350 BB battery-operated sewing machine is light and easy to handle and is the best solution when you have to sew bags and nets in locations where it is not possible to use 220 volt current or where you want to have greater freedom of movement. The robust drive mechanism allows you to easily sew bags in jute, paper, fabric, plastic, net bags and anti-hail net and for olive harvesting. In principle, it is suitable for closing bags of any material thanks to the automatic dragging. For special processes, we recommend sending us a sample of the product so that we can test the machine in real conditions of use. The maximum sewing pass thickness is 10 mm and the thread tension can be easily adjusted using a knob. It is recommended to sew material with low density so as not to break the needles. The battery is 36V at 2.6 Ah and recharges in about 5-6 hours, the battery charger is supplied and works with a voltage of 220V at 50Hz. Sewing speed:10 m/min. Maximum thickness of the material:Up to 10 mm (low density materials) Transport:Reciprocating Stitch length:Fix mm 8 Point:Chain Cutter:Automatic Battery:36V - 2,6Ah